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GAS flaring and FLARES

Gas venting means to relieve pressure and release in the atmosphere the waste gases that cannot be processed.


Gas flaring is the process of destroying through combustion the waste gases that cannot be processed, to make the plants safe in emergency situations, reducing the risks for infrastructures and operators of chemical and petrochemical plants, including wells, diesel production, refineries and hydrocarbon processing plants.


airprotech offers a comprehensive selection of gas flares for several applications:
• elevated flares with open flame
• sonic flares
• smokeless flares, air-steam assisted
• enclosed and open ground flares 


Elevated flares can be configured with different supporting:
• self-supported flare with riser stack self-sustained 
• guyed-supported flare with steel wires to anchor the riser stack at ground
• derrick-supported flare with riser stack supported by a steel structure


Ground flares are typically installed at ground level, enclosed ground flares adopt a closed combustion chamber for burning the waste gases.