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Filtration, dedusting and separation of dust and solid particles from process gas can be performed through wet and dry solution depending on the specific application.


Venturis and tray scrubbers are used to remove solid particles from exhaust gas streams through the interaction with water, the choice of the specific solution depends on the characteristics of the dust and particles to be treated : quantity and concentration, granulometry and density, composition and wettability.
Sieve tray scrubbers are suitable for low dust concentration, they are typically composed by a column with different stages of perforated plates.
In the Venturi scrubber it is possible to remove also the smallest dust particles thanks to the speed difference between the gas and liquid in the pipe with variable section.


Bag and cartridge filters are used for separation of dry dust and recovery of the material to be reused in the process or disposed as waste product. These filters are usually equipped with automatic cleaning system.
airprotech supplies also static filters for the pre-separation of particles in order to protect the equipment installed downstream.